
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Happy Birthday to my lil sister!

Hope you enjoyed your birthday party, and your $480 stash of angbaos!

Actually quite sad lah. Only 2 of her friends turned up. To the others who didn't come becos:
  1. you don't want to
  2. you got "last minute tuition"
  3. you don't think my sister is popular enough for you to be friends with
  4. whatever reason


I told my sis.. "These people you call friends are fuckers not worth your time.. " and to myself i was like "knnbccb.. what kinda fuckers are those people? idiotics fucktards. #$%U*^*NH*("

Anyway.. 3 of my friends came. Outnumbered my sis's own friends. Joyce, Yinz and Yaya. Thanx for coming, and thanx for the presents you bought for her. Appreciate that! We started BBQ fire at 5plus, but the adult guests (dad's & aunty judy's friends) only came at 10pm! Madness.

The Secret Recipe New York Cheese Cake!
Yummy yummy yum yum!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you.. sing along.. happy Birthday to you.. happy birthday to DUA PUI!!!! Happy birthday to you!

Family Picture. =)

I was helping her cut the cake and instead of helping to give out to the guests, she hide one corner to eat the cake first! KNS!

Me & Yaya.. it was almost 11.15pm and yaya still thot it's only 9plus.. hahaha!!!! GO HOME LIAO LAH! So late! Tmr still so early must wake up!

I bought this cute lil bear for my lil sis. hee heeeeee. with lots and lots of candies.

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