Changed my braces to green colour! It looks quite blueish here, but it's two tones of alternating green which looks suspiciously like blue-tac T_T"

Anyway I took a picture of the colours available for the bands for my braces! I told Dr Tang that I'm so stressed out each time I go in cos she only give me 30 secs to choose the colours.. The appointment is very short.. less than 15mins and she can change the wire, reglue the loose brackets and tighten the bands in.. So I asked her to let me take photo of the colours so I can start planning ahead..
She told me I'm cute and funny T_T" cos I say the funniest things.. -- I don't think I do leh. And she also find it very strange that I don't really feel the pain from the braces except from the horrible ulcers in the 1st week when I put them in... and she upgraded me to the thicker wire for the top row of my teeth and pulled them tighter... =.=
Actually hor, I don't really feel the pain lah, just a aching feeling when I try to chew on stuff.. that's why if you go out and eat with me, you'll realize I keep on grinding my teeth cos I'm testing how far my threshold of pain can tolerate me biting down hard on stuff.. But now since she put on the thicker wire and pulled it tighter, I can feel a slight discomfort while I bite down hard.. if I don't bite or grind my teeth, that it's zero pain.
Anyway, now I can start planning for the upcoming months.. Christmas will be red and dark green.. but that's for December.. so what shall I choose for the month of November?
Hmm.. decisions, decisions..
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