Brought Chloe for a grooming session today...
I bought Chloe from Petfolio at Upper Changi Road..

I trust Simon and Sharon (shop owners where I bought her) cos they breed quality Maltese for sale, and not those lousy mixed-breed/inbred puppies that most people are selling nowadays.
They have 3 children and they are super adorable. Especially the youngest daughter! ^^ Looks like a chubbier version of Joanna when she was younger. *pinch*
Simon is larger than life. like he'll scare you if you're not used to loud people cos he's very very loud. Unbashfully honest and proud of his dogs and wife's grooming skills, he's a breath of fresh air in our world where all the salespeople are trying to sell you things you don't need/want and when you go back, their aftersales service is fucked up.
He actually refer to me as "Jasmine iPhone who live in Bendemeer Road".. LOL! He remembers lah! Tsk tsk tsk. Than whenever he sees me he will complain that the iPhone 4 sucks.. and he bought it only cos his 3Gs fell into the water... LOL!!
And again, their after-sales service is good. I feel welcomed at their shop, and I always stay over an hour while Chloe is groomed to chat with Simon and his children. :)
Sharon says Chloe is a "妖怪" who cannot sit still.. Hahahaha. She says Chloe is a monkey and I need to be more firm with her.. (As usual). I always get the "You must be more firm with her" talk when I bring Chloe down.. but since she's so monkey and hyper, how to control??? Sharon said I bought the wrong dog cos Chloe is tooooo hyper for me, but it's ok. I love her and it's fun to see her run around in her daily "Shuttle-run routine".
Do you know Chloe has learnt how to skid? Like when she run to the kitchen, instead of braking, she'll slide the last 50cm of so, swing her butt and run back. SUPER CUTE! But she refused to let me film on video.. Cos when I whipped out my camera, she'll give me the T_T look and plop herself down like a furry carpet. Sigh.
I am not sure if I am biased, but Chloe is really cuter than most Malteses out there! She is the cutest and prettiest in my heart, but I believe there are prettier Maltese than her which of course, will cost a fortune, since she is already so expensive..
A lot of people goes to Pet Farm to bargain and find cheap deals, but how can you put a price on health and quality? Most importantly, can you bear to see your dog getting sick and having illness due to in-breeding or horrible treatment when they are young?
I was browsing thru some of the Pet Forums in Singapore, and one person said:
i bought my maltese from pasir ris farmway at first sight...from 1 of those kennels beside pet hotel...the seller quoted me a very steep price but subsequently i managed to bargain to $800 including kibbles, pet cage, carrier, comb etc...its stil expensive thou..but thats not all, when i bought her she was only 2 months old..have not even received 2nd jab but luckily the 2nd jab can reimburse by the shop. but when i went to the vet, althought the jab is free, i still need to pay $100 because of ear infection and $55 for microchipped.
$800 including cage, carrier, food, accessories? You think it's a good deal? HAH! Then afterwards, she goes on to say the dog has infection and only had 1 vaccination done and "luckily the 2nd jab can (be) reimburse(d) by the shop".
This are the typical cheapopo owners. I mean.. if you cannot afford it, don't keep a dog! I may not be rich and living in a landed property, but I waited for years and planned for so long before we went to buy Chloe, and she costs 3 times more than what the cheapopo owner ^ paid.
I believe it's fate also, cos I was cheated by a petshop in Pasir Ris Farmway who kept making up stories and excuses about the puppy we reserved, and was super dodgy. I am glad I did not buy a puppy from there, and me and Pipimon rather forfeit the $500 deposit than force ourselves to accept a sub-standard puppy that may have future health issues and the shop will never acknowledge or take any responsibility for it.
I wanted to get a toy poodle initially, but fell in love with Chloe, and I was glad I chose her cos I've seen lots of toy poodle grow up to be horrible looking monsters.. The cute ones are very very rare and they costs like upwards from $3000..
Chloe is 7.5 months old now and she's still very tiny. Not those sickly "mini-maltese" tiny, but just very petite and well proportioned. Only issue I have with her is... yup.. her hair is always messy cos she's so hyper active.
I always get those "Awww! So cute" comments when people see her and it makes me happy. :)
Anyways, back to the reason why she is not eating. Sharon checked her teeth and said she is changing her milk teeth to adult teeth, so it's quite painful to chew, thus she refuses to eat even though she is hungry.. I bought some fried-dried Venison food for her which is like $63 a pack for 1 month's supply and she ate that! Ohmygod. Gonna indulge her until her teeth changes, than it's back to her normal food~
Love you Chloe! muacks!!
OMG, you must be joking to have patronize PETFOLIO! the owners there sucks, rude to the extreme, over charge pricing, and you see how many poor animals are squeeze in the cage! ANIMAL LOVERS, WAKE UP, STOP going to this stupid shop! The arrogant couple SIMON and his wife Sharon, both team workers are cheats!
You shouldn't be driving with a dog on your lap! Even if you don't value your life, pls show some consideration to other drivers.
To err is human..well they may be like what u think they are but I guess everyone make mistake/s bt not all would dare to admit & repent. When me & hubby came to their shop we have no idea what this man Simon had been doing all his life. Hubby just casually talk to him about the oncoming Free check up for cats, asking Simon if its free & who sponsor it & so on. Proudly he said its free for those who come but its not free for him after all. He said ot in a joking manner anyway. Then hubby ask the golden question..why he did what he did. & For me & you & e rest who might not like him or knw what he did before let me share with you all what he confess. All his life he had done so many sins & he is trying his best to repent all his evil deeds.He realized his mistakes & hope that by giving back to the animal/ human society, God will forgive him. This is the man everyone talking about for all the wrong reasons.& I think this is the one in a million men who dare admit & repent for what he done when hes young n greedy.
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