
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chloe has a new hair cut!

Look at my baby's new haircut!

Well, she didn't really got much of a haircut, but at least she looks neater now with her hair tied up.. :)

The shopowner says that she is very smart and I have to be careful not to let Chloe outsmart me and climb on top of my head... cos she seems very bright and likes to "try her luck" by being cheeky to see if she can get away with it.

Well, I will have to learn how to do that cos she really seems much smarter than Oreo, my previous dog.. Oreo is like a carpet.. soft, fluffy and inactive... Chloe is like a bunny.. Hop hop hop all the time...

She understands my words when I speak to her! For example, when she is biting the wires.. I will glare at her and say: "Chloe, what are you doing? NO!" than she'll cork her head to the side and look at me and run to me and sit by my side... Wah damn cute lah.

Chloe also managed to learn how to poo and urinate within the short span of 5days from the time I brought her home.. and that's amazing considering I've never used any treats to entice her nor meted out any punishment to scare her... the 1st five days she had a few accidents, but everytime she urinate outside I will carry her back and tell her "No Chloe, naughty Chloe!" and after 5days she knows what I want her to do..

Cool huh?

I've taught her how to fetch, and I'm gonna teach her how to sit and play dead soon. Wahahahahaha.

It's a bit tough taking care of a Maltese especially like Chloe since her fur is quite thick and she likes to mess up her hair by squashing her face on her cage and using her paws to mess up her hair... T_T"

And she has very bad tear stains on her face which is quite difficult to remove since her fur is sooo white.. The shopowner taught me to use baby powder and a bit of cornflower powder to comb on her face's fur to whiten it... shall try it tomorrow...

Okie, gonna go sleep now. I need my beauty sleep to prevent my right eye from twitching again. Yea, I'm gonna go sleep!! hahahahahaha! Gotta go work at 7am tomorrow~

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