
Sunday, May 15, 2016

RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2016

I find it amazing that the dogs can tell which day it is because every Sunday they will wake up extra early. I sleep together with them and they are really well behaved and don't disturb my sleep. Usually when I wake up at around 5.45am they will still be snoozing in bed with me, but on Sunday mornings they will be super alert and hovering around me waiting for me to wake up. When I open my eyes I can see 3 furry faces looming over mine with big grins on their faces. I can just imagine them saying "YAY! SHE IS AWAKE! TIME TO GO TO THE PET CAFE!!!" 

Today they thought they are going to the Pet Cafe but we brought them to the RSPCA Million Paws Walk first in the morning before heading to the Pet Cafe. They became so excited when we turned into the parking area because they noticed that it's a new place and there are many dogs around. 

We didn't buy tickets in advance because I didn't know about the walk until my manager who lives in Perth told me about it. We planned to buy tickets at the entrance and it's $20 per human. It's quite expensive but the proceeds go to charity. While parking our car, a very nice lady approached us and gave us a free ticket because her friend couldn't make it. I wanted to pay her for it but she refused my money, so we only need to buy 1 ticket! Le hubby said I am so lucky to always meet such nice people.. told him to do good unto others and it will come back. It's my mantra to be nice that's why I always meet nice people! :)

Benji & Coco are very coperative in taking photos but Finn is lost in his own world. We had to keep them on the leash because there's many people around.

Waiting at the eating area for my manager & her partner.

My manager with her dog Wagsy! Remember her?

Finn insisted in being held by Le hubby. Hug hug hugs!

Beautiful weather with an awesome view of the city skyline!

With my manager & her partner

The 3 doggies! Fluffy butts!

Coco & me!


Finn is very focused during the walk. Le hubby said he followed the white line on the path and walked in a super straight line.

We bumped into Tabby's friends who recognised the dogs! I sent Tabby the photos and she said her friends help to dog-sit so they love them very much. 

Group picture!

Afterwards we headed to the Pet Cafe for a while before heading home! The 3 of them were so exhausted that they nap the entire day. (‐^▽^‐)

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