
Friday, July 29, 2011

Should I cut off Chloe's fur?

It's not easy maintaining her thick and long fur coat.. I am seriously contemplating chopping off her fur but she looks so pretty..

Everytime I bring her out, people will comment that she's so beautiful and her fur coat is so nice.. They don't know the pain both of us go through everyday!

When I comb her hair, the loose hair or tangled hair have to be brushed out and sometimes it's quite painful for her (imagine your hair being tangled and you have to comb out the ends), and it takes me at least 30mins each day to comb her fur and tie her fringe up. She's cooperative MOST of the times, but sometimes she gets grouchy and refuse to cooperate and keep still.

I am just worried that the weather is too hot for her to handle.. Hmm. How?

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